poultry industry leaders of the future – where will they come from?

the american and international poultry industries have been expanding at a rapid pace to meet the ever growing demand for poultry meat and eggs. despite this rapid growth, there is a decline in american universities with poultry science departments and/or programs. there are only six american universities with poultry science programs – texas a&m university, university of georgia, auburn, north carolina state university, mississippi state university and the university of arkansas. most of the undergraduate students in these departments have jobs well before they graduate. so why aren’t more students interested in the poultry industry? in addition to the poultry majors, there is a need for many other non-agricultural degrees and vocational certificates. this includes those with beplay官网全站苹果 , accounting, engineering, maintenance, marketing, human resources knowledge and much more. as new poultry products are being developed, food science majors are also being grabbed up by the poultry industry. with the increase interest in animal welfare, animal behaviorists have found a niche. whatever you interest of study, you most likely can find a place in the poultry industry


2 replies to “poultry industry leaders of the future – where will they come from?”

  1. i never thought about working in the poultry industry, i feel foolish not knowing that could’ve been a career path! i have been keeping chickens as pets for 12 years now and they are a great joy in my life. my husband and i work opposite shifts at times and some days i’m not there and he always gives me a report on what the chickens did. we’ve always spent time with them and get to see those individual personalities and the majority of the birds we’ve had through the years have been quite friendly. it’s not all joy. having chickens is a lot of work, i can not stress enough to someone who wants to get chickens to have “fresh eggs” do not do that. i am accustomed to the upkeep and they are the companion animal of my choice. it is also hard to lose them, as they are masters at hiding that they do not feel well. thank you for putting together such a complete site about chickens.

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